The Alliance City Schools Food Service department is run out of the Alliance High School. The kitchen at Alliance High School serves up daily breakfast and lunch to all of our students across the Alliance City School District.
You may contact the Food Service supervisor at Alliance High School.
Amy Merda, RDN, LDN
All students at Alliance City Schools are offered no-cost breakfast and lunch.
Pay Schools Central
Welcome parents and students to the Alliance City Schools Food & Nutrition Services. Below you will find the answers to many of your questions concerning the Breakfast and Lunch programs!
National School Lunch and Breakfast Program
Alliance City Schools participates in the National School Lunch and Breakfast program. Beginning in school year 2016, Alliance schools were approved for the Community Eligibility Program (CEP). The CEP is a Federal program that allows us to offer meals at No Cost to all of our students and provides funding to help support the cost of the Food & Nutrition Services Program. The more children that eat meals, the more funding we receive!
Alliance City Schools follows the Offer versus Serve policy sponsored by the USDA. Offer vs. Serve is intended to decrease waste and costs by allowing students to refuse up to two components in a lunch and one component in a breakfast. The lunch components consist of a meat/meat alternative (cheese, beans or yogurt), grain (bread, rice, or noodles), vegetable, fruit, and milk. The breakfast components consist of an entrée, fruit/juice and milk. All students are required to take a fruit or vegetable when choosing a breakfast or lunch. Students may always get an extra fruit or veggies if they are still hungry at no charge!
Payschools Central (Formerly PayForIt)
Our Point of Sale system is set-up to take credit/debit cards and electronic checks via the Payschools System found at An account can be set-up for your child(ren) using their Student ID number. This system will allow you to view the purchases your child(ren) have made for the past 14 days as well as allow you to add money to their account should they want to buy extras. The system can also be set up to send email reminders of your child’s account balance. You do not have to pay online to view your child’s account.
Point of Sale Software
Food services operates under a Point of Sale (POS) system, which means EVERY student must type in their Student PIN in order to purchase any items. Under POS, each student has an account and the correct amount is removed (debited) from the account when the child purchases an item. Parents are encouraged to send money in the form of checks to be placed on student accounts or on our on-line payment system (see Payschools above). Please place the child’s name or PIN number in the memo portion of the check. All money left on the account at the end of the school year, stays with the student and will transfer to the next grade. Refunds are only granted if a student withdraws from the school district. Please contact the Food & Nutrition Services Department for any questions.
Students- No Cost
Adults/Staff- $2.75
Elementary Lunch – No Cost
Middle and High School Lunches- No Cost
Milk Only- $0.50
Adult Lunch- $4.75
Charge Policy
Should our No Cost Meals change, Alliance City Schools will allow a child to charge a meal in the event that the child forgets his/her lunch money. At this time, we do not allow charging for a la carte items. Please set-up an account in the Payschools system to view your child’s balance and purchases in order to limit your child from having to charge. Grades Pre-K-5 are permitted to charge a total of three meals with a letter accompanying the child home, explaining that a charge took place. Grades 6-8 only three charges permitted per year with a letter accompanying the child home. There will be no charging at the High School. All charges must be paid in full prior to the Memorial Day holiday. There is no charging permitted the last week of school.
Special Dietary Needs and Food Allergies
Food & Nutrition Services is happy to accommodate students with special dietary needs and food allergies within our abilities. Students must provide written medical documentation from the treating physician in order to provide for this accommodation. This documentation must include, but is not limited to, a statement of the allergy, what dietary changes from the traditional school meal are necessary, what specific foods must be omitted or substituted and what dietary items can be used to replace the items. This documentation should be given to the school nurse.
We are unable to substitute any item for milk except in the case of an allergy or disability according to the USDA and the Ohio Department of Education [USDA Final Rule Fluid Milk Substitutions in the School Nutrition Program (73 FR 52903)]. We will provide a cup and water to any student that asks, as well as sell bottled water and juices a la carte.
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