Care Plans
Guiding Principles for Students with Chronic Health Conditions
The purpose of the Guiding Principles for Students with Chronic Health Conditions is to enable schools to ensure a safe learning environment for students with chronic health conditions. These principles are based on the belief that children with chronic health conditions can participate in all academic and non-academic school-related activities. In order for them to be successful in school, a comprehensive health plan must be collaboratively developed by families, student, school personnel, and licensed health care providers. The individualized care plan addresses medical orders and provisions appropriate to each student’s needs during the school day and for other school-related activities.
All persons will honor the student’s right to access and participate in all school activities.
The well-being of a student with a chronic health condition involves a collaborative
relationship among the health care providers, the school and the home.
School districts will adopt specific procedural school health guidelines which address
currently acceptable standards of care for students with chronic health conditions.
Parents are to be invited to participate in their child’s care during school and related
activities, but are not required to accompany their child in order for the student to be fully
Each student with a chronic health condition has an individualized care plan in place
before attending school or as needed.
Students with a chronic health condition will be supported to actively participate in self care
and management.
Students with chronic health conditions will have access to necessary supplies and appropriate
accommodations while participating in school-related activities.
The school nurse or health aide is the most appropriate person to plan for and implement the
care of students with chronic health conditions in the school setting.
Persons responsible for a child with a chronic health condition should receive the necessary
training from a qualified healthcare professional regarding child-specific health care
interventions, both routine and emergency.
All persons will maintain confidentiality and the student’s right to privacy.