If you or someone else thinks your child may have a disability and may need special education and related services, a referral for evaluation may be made by;
a. You, the parent;
b. School staff; or
c. The Ohio Department of Education or another public agency
If you the parent make the referral;
a. You may request that your child be evaluated for a suspected disability either verbally or in writing. It is recommended that your request for an evaluation be in writing so that there is a documentation of when the timelines for the school district’s response began.
If school staff, the Ohio Department of Education or another public agency make the referral;
a. Someone from the school district will contact you.
After the referral is made and before the evaluation begins;
a. You must be given “prior written notice,” within 30 days of the date of referral. Prior written notice tells you that the school district is either proposing to take some action related to the question of your child qualifying for or receiving special education services; or that the school district is refusing to take any action related to this question, and in both cases explain the district’s decision.
b. If the school district suspects your child may have a disability and needs an evaluation, the
district must get your consent in writing to evaluate your child.
c. If you refuse to give your consent for your child to be evaluated, the school district may use
“mediation” or “due process” procedures to receive approval to evaluate your child.
Requirements for a child to be eligible for special education and related services have been established for each of the disabilities recognized in federal and state law.